Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Before I left, Mom tucked a poem into my suitcase. It was by W.S. Merwin, titled
"One of the Butterflies." I'd only pulled it out to look at it this morning. Why did the poet's name sound so familiar? I realized that it was because, riding the DART the other day, I had copied down a Merwin poem that had been written on the side of the carriage.

One of the Butterflies
The trouble with pleasure is the timing
it can overtake me without warning
and be gone before I know it is here
it can stand facing me unrecognized
while I am remembering somewhere else
in another age or someone not seen
for years and never to be seen again
in this world and it seems that I cherish
only now a joy I was not aware of
when it was here although it remains
out of reach and will not be caught or named
or called back and if I could make it stay
as I want to it would turn to pain.

Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its color.


  1. Merwin on the side of a DART "carriage"? I love Ireland!

  2. I love to write down all of the poetry in the Metro here, there is some in every car, and I am usually only able to copy down the name and title and year, but it is beautiful and great to try to read while sitting!
